On Thursday, the voting for which country (or some cases, countries) to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups took place. The media had backed either Russia or England to get the tournament, but I was pretty certain that we had won this bid to host the 2018 World Cup, the only real competition in my eyes was the joint Spain-Portugal bid which with Spain being the holders of the World Cup and European Championship, that could of swayed votes their way. But did we? No. The bloody Vodka Russians won it. Thanks FIFA for letting us down, AGAIN.
The moment we cried "Fix!"
Anyone fancy going to Russia for Summer? No. The English all hoped that if we didn't win it, the Spain-Portugal bid won so we can all take our future families to Spain and Portugal for a "holiday" and base our holidays around whether or not England progress or not. Netherlands? Would of been great if you wanted to see what the fuss is about with marijuana. Belgium? Errrrrr you could try their waffles?
Russia did score an own goal with Putin not really being fussed with going to Zurich for effectively supporting the team, while we had what was described as "The Three Lions", David "errr um" Beckham, future King Prince William and posh totty Prime Minister, David Cameron. Mark Cummings of BBC Radio Gloucestershire called them the "Holy Trinity" which unsettled me on the way to school when he put "David Cameron" and the "Holy Trinity" in the same sentence. The media thought that it was all a two horse race with England and Russia and after the round of presentations, it was easy to see why. Both countries had strong presentations and looked like they really deserved to host the tournament, with the joint Spain-Portugal and Netherlands-Belgium bids looking shallow and not exactly appealing. If this were a body building contest, Russia and England would appear as body builders with bulging muscles with girls hanging off their bodies cheering them on while Spain, Portugal, Netherlands and Belgium appearing as weak skinny boys in G-Strings with their mums for support.
So then, Blatter opened the envelope, pulling out Russia. Fuck. My Twitter stream were going mental as if our parents donated our toys to the local charity shop. Cries of fixing, considering a high risk bid won where everyone else's bid was low risk. Good thing that Sepp Blatter opened the right envelope, otherwise he would of had millions of dollars fly out. The Russians probably won because Sepp Blatter and the voting committee are trying to leave an legacy, with South Africa, Brazil, Russia and Qatar all popping their "we haven't hosted a World Cup" cherries. I'm just expecting a load of headlines in the run up to the 2018 World Cup with "RUSH TO FINISH STADIUMS" since most of their proposed venues haven't even been built yet.
Russia did score an own goal with Putin not really being fussed with going to Zurich for effectively supporting the team, while we had what was described as "The Three Lions", David "errr um" Beckham, future King Prince William and posh totty Prime Minister, David Cameron. Mark Cummings of BBC Radio Gloucestershire called them the "Holy Trinity" which unsettled me on the way to school when he put "David Cameron" and the "Holy Trinity" in the same sentence. The media thought that it was all a two horse race with England and Russia and after the round of presentations, it was easy to see why. Both countries had strong presentations and looked like they really deserved to host the tournament, with the joint Spain-Portugal and Netherlands-Belgium bids looking shallow and not exactly appealing. If this were a body building contest, Russia and England would appear as body builders with bulging muscles with girls hanging off their bodies cheering them on while Spain, Portugal, Netherlands and Belgium appearing as weak skinny boys in G-Strings with their mums for support.
The only dignified member of the Russian Bid team, Andrei Arshavin.
But who do we blame? There's no blame for our bidding team because they pulled their socks up trying to convince the committee that our plans are superb and effectively sucking up to them to make them vote for us. All of their hard efforts were for nothing because of our media and tabloids effectively ruining our excellent work we've pulled off over the past few months and years by exposing how greedy FIFA members are. Everytime a story ran about the bribes that the officials were accepting, England's chances of getting the World Cup were decreasing like the amount of food at a buffet which Eamonn Holmes is attending. But while I'm disappointed in the BBC for broadcasting the Panorama investigation on FIFA's corrupt officials and the media for exposing them, I'm glad that FIFA have been exposed for what they really are; corrupt biased officials. Still, I found it funny how Adamu voted for us, perhaps he felt under pressure to vote for the country who's media exposed him.
But what can we say? Unlucky, I guess. We're all bitter that we're not hosting a World Cup, probably since the last time we hosted one, we won it. What do we do now? We look forward to a decade of sports events in the UK. We've got the Champions League Final at Wembley in 2011, Olympics in 2012, Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014, the Rugby World Cup in 2015 and the Cricket World Cup in 2019. I guess we can't have every sports competition in the world.