So the issue that was going to tackled was the social acceptance of homosexual relationships. So Josh and Nate are now in a relationship and Tom is casually fine with them both after a bit of persuasion from Cesca. Nate’s dad on the other hand was concerned why his son was a bit distant recently and when he walked past a wall with “Nate loves Josh” he knew why.
“Nate loves Josh? Ha, is this some kind of joke?”
“Hi Mr Gurney, I’m Josh”
It’s like this show is done for laughs most of the time.
So Nate’s dad wasn’t going to have any of it and ran about all guns blazing homophobic thoughts. Waterloo Road of course has to put a twist on things as usual and attaches the pain of losing a family member in the Middle East and Nate’s dad believes that his son being gay means he’s lost another son. Blimey, it’s like the writers hired Jan Moir to do the plots. Matthew Gurney had a confrontation with his son realised that he is gay. Now we could of ended it there we would of shut off that plot there, but no. He wasn’t easy on the idea of his son being in a relationship yet and decided that he should stay away from Josh causing sheep hair to feel all depressed. But no, Nate inspired by the power of love told his dad to bugger off and let him and Josh be together.
Nate’s dad does get the message but still feels bitter about it and decides that kicking Tom’s head in would be a great way to vent. While all this was happening, good ol’ Tom was back in his womaniser role which only seems to be able to charm his work colleagues suddenly fancies Cesca probably because she revealed that she likes football and does know the offside rule. Insert Sian Massey joke here. He even invited her out for a drink and she agreed with Tom using the irritating and “you know what he’s up to” line “It’s a date!”.
Don't worry Tom, women do like the odd wound.
While Tom was planning how to get his “swag” on, Jonah and Cesca looked to be on the rocks after Cesca suddenly thought “Wait, this is totally unprofessional” and wanted Jonah to bugger off and shark some girl his own age. Jonah even went in for a kiss but got a slap from Cesca but he was totally fine with her playing hard to get. After Tom got battered by Mr. Gurney, Cesca ditched him in favour of some Jonah company because she just wanted a cuddle with him. Cesca can’t even make her mind up about Jonah, she’s like a child who saves up for a console, realises it’s a load of manure and then suck up to it in order to block out the feelings of buyer’s remorse.
So there you go, Josh and Nate get to be together, Tom got can’t even score Cesca because she’s too busy having awkward Spanish oral lessons with Jonah’s mouth and got beaten up in the same evening. Maybe he should just date someone out of work that has no relation to anyone in the school and there will be less trouble then.
The slap - A common move for Miss. Montoya
Janeece’s dream of becoming a teacher took a positive step as she decided to give classes in the skills of being a PA. Girls signed up but no boys did and Adanna wasn’t going to allow the course to go ahead unless at least one boy signed up because she didn’t want the course to be viewed sexist but the role of a PA is a well known job for females as 9/10 of female applicants will give the job because their employer wants a bit on the side. Many males were approached on the idea including Del Boy Ronan, who signed up after seeing the mother load of stationery in the stationery cupboard and wanted to start flogging pens instead of poor quality filmed movies.
Ruby once again filled the void of the comedy duo of Steph in the partnership this week with Grantly rewarding last week’s cleaning efforts of his house with tickets for them both to see An Inspector Calls. Ruby wanted to read up on the play before she read it but was caught with an edition of the play’s transcript and Grantly accused her of not being literature savvy with Ruby countering his accusation by whipping out her copy of Jilly Cooper’s Wicked, insisting he’ll love it. Ruby had to read Madame Bovary in return and both characters loved the books with their bond growing stronger and stronger. I feel like this pair will have an affair, I mean, where's John these days?
Hodge popped up and was bothering Bex this week as usual and even he turned up at the school with an awkward moment involving him waving at Bex like they're best buddies. These days something like that doesn't look right. He convinced her to have a meeting in the park when he gave the audience an idea of her antics when she was missing. He also sent Bex an envelope stuffed full of cash as a present and Bex started crying. I assume Bex was a prossie and ol' Hodge was a pimp scoring her clients not being selling dodgy DVDs, then.
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