The ever enthusiastic Dan |
This week's task was board games, a task that was purely set up for the puns from the word Go after Lord Sugar greeted his peasants on a Battleship. GEDDIT? CUS BATTLESHIP IS A BOA- oh fucks sake. Embarrassing joke by The Apprentice writers but it did allow us to see how the candidates could handle making an entirely new and fresh board game after seeing how bad of ideas the perv camera top and an unfunny fitness video were, so on this basis it was inevitable we were going to see at least one awful board game.
I'm starting to see a
recurring theme in The Apprentice this series - everytime we cut to a
project manager discussion and two people back out for someone else to
step in, that person turns out to be the enthusiastic loser who 10
minutes into the job realises she shouldn't have stepped in. Pamela was inevitably doomed to fail from the moment she agreed to develop the relationship game and it's no surprise she got sacked, really. James in a bid to get a chance to tug off Lord Sugar, led Team Summit and decided to go with
Rosion's idea of pitching a geography game that was practically
Pictionary. As we all know, there's nothing wrong with Pictionary.
It's a safe bet to run with and it would have taken a cock up the size
of Mars to ruin this pitch.
Human wrecking
ball Bianca came close with offering product exclusively to a single store
in Westminster, making the whole team wonder whether or not they should
control her like a puppet and dub her voice to prevent her cocking up
some more. Despite this, Soloman picked up the pieces to rescue his
team's performance and James managed to lead his team quite successfully
with minimal fuck ups. Although if you ignore his shutting down of
Bianca or deflecting any criticism, but he was otherwise decent, the
charming bastard.
If Soloman wants to be Lord Sugar's apprentice, he really needs to curb his coke addiction |
Team Tenacity on the other hand drove with an idea that everyone knew was bad but hey, it's better than nothing. Potential series winner Mark managed to polish a turd so much that he managed to sell a load of games and became the team's best seller. I suppose competition wasn't that tight considering Dan moped around putting in a half arsed shift, making stereotyping question cards and only really putting an effort in to make himself look good and still insist he's a selling machine. We don't think you are mate but we're all certain you're just a massive prick. Pamela wasn't able to be an effective project manager, making me wonder if Team Summit had been watching too much Homeland and brain washed her into being shit in order to let Summit win. Given how desperate some candidates are to win, I wouldn't be surprised.
"After failing a task, how many people should I fire?" A - 1 B - 2 C - EVERYONE |
With no real surprise, Summit steamrolled Tenacity by a margin of over £1000. While Tenacity realised why a relationship board game was a good idea, Summit got the chance to take penalties against David Seaman. For a reward, that's on par with rewarding your son who got 12 GCSE A grades with Ham and Pineapple pizza. Out of Tenacity, Pamela, Dan and Lauren were all brought back for their various cock ups, whether it be Dan's sexist game questions and general unenthusiastic behaviour or Pamela's consistent moaning. Even though Lauren got completely rinsed by Lord Sugar, Pamela got fired. Not surprising considering she chose to lead with the idea and made the car crash of an idea even worse by adding more cars into the mess.
Next week - Battle of the big egos in the Big Apple.