Saturday 26 January 2013

In Repsonse to "High Heels Rape Risk For Women"‏ Article

Richard Graham made his view on rape pretty clear in an article published Gloucester's local paper 'The Citizen' and online. I decided to reply to the article to The Citizen and to Richard Graham (sadly) MP.

In regard to Richard Graham’s comments on the 26th January 2013, I found them shocking and to tell a woman how not to get raped is idiotic when whatever you are wearing or how much you have drank doesn’t matter. The issue with rape culture is that we should be teaching in schools and society not to rape rather than how to avoid being raped, so to hear an elected representative of the people say such comments is terrible. The updated article did not help your cause as you continued to stick to your clothes/rape correlation argument, therefore making you look further out of touch. 

If Mr Graham wishes to win re-election in 2015, he should think before he speaks.

I felt it was necessary to reply to his comments due to its controversial and idiotic tone. Although I am not a member of his constituency (thank goodness), it always feels good to call out someone's bullshit. I await a response.